Homeownership 101: How to Fix Credit, Start a Savings Account, and Qualify for a Mortgage on Food Stamps SNAP or Section 8

Homeownership 101 How to Repair Your Credit & Qualify for a Home Repair Your Credit and Fix Your Life! Description of Workshop This workshop will cover the following: How to boost your credit score up to 100 points in 6 months. How to save to purchase a home. Apply for a Savings Program that will match what you save in six months to cover closing cost – $5 to start!! Home Mortgage loans that you may qualify for under Section 8 and SNAPs. How to remove and fight evictions off your credit report!

3 Tips for Tattoos in the Civilian Workplace

The odds are that if a military service member or veteran lifts their sleeve, they will reveal an impressive number of tattoos. For many veterans, their tattoos represent time in service, the sacrifices they made, and honor those who have fallen in the line of duty. In some cases, tattoos cover physical battle scars. As written in VFW Magazine, “Though for the modern veteran, tattoos from during and after their military service tell a story and can be used as a form of therapy or recognition.”

12 Ways to Land That Civilian Job

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